Claudia Piepenbrock in »6UL«
Lust and desire in art and design
Grassi Museum of Applied Arts. Leipzig
29 April—27 September 20

01/02 «»
Claudia Piepenbrock: Kabinenbogen /booth, rangierend und sittsam, 2017, Ausstellungsansicht Kunsthaus Essen
3 booths, foam, steel, each: 200 x 105 x 285 cm
Claudia Piepenbrock: Kabinenbogen /booth, rangierend und sittsam, 2017, Ausstellungsansicht Kunsthaus Essen
3 booths, foam, steel, each: 200 x 105 x 285 cm
Lust and desire in art and design
Lust, passion and eroticism are part of the strongest feelings of mankind. They are based on an inner strength that is part of our nature and perceived as an urge. How determining this energy is, how it characterizes our hetero-, homo-, bi-, trans- or other sexual orientations, and specifies our fantasies and desires, is a subject that scientist, philosophers and artists have considered for centuries.

Numerous variations of eroticism and sexuality beyond the run-in clichés are reflected in various forms of expression the world of art, fashion and design.

The exhibition illustrates the exiting diversity of erotic and sexual subjects with works from the last 20 years. It also asks the question of how far current social debates about biological and social gender roles, power structures and sexual violence or the increasing reduction of taboos about sexual practices, have become part of the designs of artists, fashion creators and designers.

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