Verena Landau »access«

Exhibition opening: June 22, 2007 at 7 pm
Exhibition lasts: June 22 - September 8, 2007

June 23, 2007 at 4 pm:
Verena Landau and Ruth Habermehl conduct a tour for the Friends of the Museum of Contemporary Art Leipzig.

We are pleased to present »access«, a solo exhibition by Verena Landau, at Filipp Rosbach Galerie gallery.

In her series »access 01-03« Verena Landau tackles issues far more complex than may be suspected at first glance. Her work always deals with access to reality, with checking perceptions against reality, with the relationship between interior and exterior, with tensions between pictorial space and exhibition space. The same applies to »access«. The artist values the title for its multiple levels of meaning: as well as denoting access to places, people, information, and works, it is also related to »accessory« with its legal meaning of »accomplice« or »instigator«. And in French, »accés« can also mean a fit or an attack.
In these works, Verena Landau creates variations on themes that have been running through her work for years. Essentially, overcoming the dividing line between interior and exterior has been the focus of her painting since her early work on the trail of old masters in Florence in 1990. For her 1999 degree show »Transformat« she presented her »Pasolini Stills« in an old electricity transformer station in such a way that the interior of the picture appeared as the exterior of the space, with this exterior in turn referring to the films of Pasolini. The figures peopling her canvases then were similar to the cast of 2006.
Women at turning points in their lives: this was the focus in Landau's 15-part tableau »break«, created before »access« for Kunsthaus Erfurt. Her characters are borrowed from movies by Antonioni, Bruni-Tedeschi, Tykwer, Wenders. In the »passover« series (2005), her focus was on people in transit spaces and the leveling effect of these spaces. Structural considerations were also the dominant theme in »Diskretionsbereich« and »Feindbild-Verleih« (2004) - complex works dealing with the co-opting of art by politics and business.
These themes return like leitmotifs in »access 01-03«, with the emphasis clearly on female characters who break out of social roles, cross borders, become active agents. The woman in the first picture looks out of place in nocturnal Paris where men seek pleasure. With her high-heeled shoes, the woman in the second is at odds with the industrial backdrop of Ravenna. Only in the case of the third figure is the viewer not entirely sure. Might she be hurrying to the office?
Verena Landau does not encrypt her pictures. She trusts in painting as an effective means of inciting communication and reflecting the world. She chooses her motifs with great care, drawing on feature films or video footage of her own.
Hendrik Pupat

The exhibition is open Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 6pm
For additional information and viewing appointments, call: 0172. 373 11 10.
Josef Filipp, Michaela Rosbach, and Jörg Rosbach look forward to your visit.

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