Lisa Kottkamp and Claudia Piepenbrock in
»twittering machine«
Burg Galerie im Volkspark, Halle/Saale
14.October—8 November 2020

02/05 «»
Claudia Piepenbrock: Kabinenbogen, ›teilentspannt‹, 2017/19, Installation View, Josef Filipp Galerie
Claudia Piepenbrock: Kabinenbogen, ›teilentspannt‹, 2017/19, Installation View, Josef Filipp Galerie

The exhibition in the Burg Galerie im Volkspark shows positions of young artists who question and expand the medium of sculpture.

In earlier times, sculpting required the highest physical effort: Hewing, taking away, moulding and casting—these are all processes that are closely related to body and material. How have these fundamental parameters changed for young sculptors in the present? With the exhibition twittering machine, Burg Galerie im Volksparkt is addressing the question of what it means today to work and think in three dimensions. In the presentation from 14 October to 8 November, sculptural works by 14 young artists will be on show, which convince through their special quality and their unusual handling of form, material and space and which inspire to question sculpture as a medium in contemporary art. Which new procedures and materials have been added to contemporary sculptural practice, which have been replaced or updated?
Artists: Kristina Berning [Berlin], Sarel Debrand-Passard [Münster], Laura Franzmann [Hamburg], Leo Heinik [München], Lukas Hoffmann und Emanuel Guarasco [München], Lisa Kottkamp [Leipzig], Jana Mertens [Halle/Saale], Paul Schuseil [Mainz|, Laura Sigrüner [Hamburg], Johannes Hugo Stoll [Stuttgart], Joshua James Zielinski [Berlin], Claudia Piepenbrock [Bremen], René Weisbrich [Halle/Saale]

Burg Galerie im Volkspark, Schleifweg 8a, 06114 Halle/Saale
Instagram Josef Filipp | Instagram Thomas Steinert Archiv
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