Peter Hock in »AMORPH«
Galerie im Saalbau, Berlin
2 October—22 November 2020

03/04 «»
Peter Hock: NN, 2017, charcole on paper, 300 x 196 cm
Peter Hock: NN, 2017, charcole on paper, 300 x 196 cm

Michael Bause, Peter Hock, Gabriele Künne, Enrico Niemann, Maja Rohwetter

Unformed, mostly without form or structure, unrecognisable and hardly nameable - these are the aspects the five Berlin artists deal with in painting and sculpture. Nevertheless: every splash of paint has a form, every brushstroke a structure, every lump of clay thrown away has a shape - this basis can be found in all their works. Whether the respective artists* start from waste objects of the everyday world, by-products of the studio situation or diffuse emotional states: the multiple transformation can be seen in the clusters of lines, colour streaks, lumpy spot-like structures and folded forms. Non-intentional and planning work processes are on an equal footing, as is the mutual influence of digital and analogue media.

Michael Bause, Peter Hock, Gabriele Künne, Enrico Niemann and Maja Rohwetter explore the limits of what can be recognised and named, work beyond the usual repertoire of perception - and thus offer the viewer a field of association based on collective cultural experiences on the one hand, but also on the individual visual world of experience on the other.

Meet the Artist: 13 November, 17-20

Access is limited due to the distance and hygiene rules in force.

Galerie im Saalbau 
Karl-Marx-Str. 141 
12043 Berlin
U-Bhf Karl-Marx-Str. (U7)


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